Hey, I’m just like you and I’m a Bike Commuter


When I decided to go car-free and began bike commuting to work people thought that I had gone a bit nuts. The biggest issue was that I worked on the north side of the city, 16 miles from my south Austin apartment. I was able to bike four miles in the afternoon to the light rail and get off at the station very close to the news station where I worked, but when I got out of work at 11:00 PM the light rail was no longer operating. So, I biked 16 miles home five nights a week. These days my bike commute is only 4.5 miles each way and I leave work at 5 PM. Sometimes I think about that long, dark ride home that I used to pedal every night and I can’t believe I made the harrowing trek for one year. It didn’t seem so crazy at the time because I was determined to make cycling a part of my everyday life and that commute was just something that I had to do. Continue reading